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Adaya Mug, 300ml

Regular price $91.40 SGD
Regular price Sale price $91.40 SGD
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These beautiful pottery pieces were handcrafted by an indigenous tribe of women across 7 villages in Oaxaca, Mexico, whose inhabitants have kept their ancient ceramic tradition alive for centuries. All of the raw materials used in the making of these pieces come from the hills, mountains and slopes surrounding the places they have lived in for generations. They are also among the few in the world that use organic plant pigments to decorate.

With this trade, the wonderful women of Oaxaca strive for a better future for their families and communities — hoping to bridge the rural and indigenous world with the modernism of urban life. We believe in fair pricing, in order to afford these women with the basics for having a decent life. A percentage of these proceeds go directly to the artisans, in addition to different social funds within their villages (cooperative education, health and housing).

This clay colored piece is a versatile addition to any tableware collection. Burnished with beeswax, these pieces are deliciously soft to touch, even more so than other types of clay.


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